Our Story
Irmãos Lacarini has a big history of figs quality and production. Since Luiz Lacarini, came from Italy with the other Italian immigrants to work in the brazilian coffee farms. He started this kind of work near Valinhos, worked many years as a colonist to save money and buy his own farm in Valinhos City, where is located our headquarters until today.
In the begging, were planted grapes and apples to start the business. In 1969, Irmãos Lacarini started to invest and plant figs, that would be the biggest product of the company over the years.
The first business was made for Central Campinas Markets and for wholesale in all the Campinas region, but, with increased production, the sales were expanded for all São Paulo State and a part of Rio de Janeiro State too.
In 1987, the company bought new lands and increased the crops, to then start the exportation for many countries in Europe.
In 2014, when European Union forbade the powder in the skin of the figs, the company needed to change all the production sector and was forced to reinvent itself. Nowadays, we have all the know-how to produce figs without powder and we were one the first producers in Brazil to apply this field technique. With all this patient and love for figs we are today one of the biggest producers of figs in Brazil and we manage the pruning to have figs all the year.
Nowadays, Irmãos Lacarini, is managed by Haroldo Bruno Lacarini, your brother Luiz Antonio Lacarini and by Matheus Lacarini, son of Haroldo Lacarini
In 2016, with a massive production, the company decided to export directly. Then a new exportation company was founded by Matheus Lacarini, called HMV Exports. Today, HMV is responsible for all Irmãos Lacarini exportations around the world. Also, the company invest in international certifications, like GlogalGap, GRASP and Rainforest Alliance, to attend customer demand and ensure all the exportation standards the countries require.
“GLOBALG.A.P. today is the world's leading farm assurance program, translating consumer requirements into Good Agricultural Practice.” With this certificate, Irmãos Lacarini reaffirms the compromisse with your customers, employees and nature.

We are Rainforest Alliance
Ensuring our compromisse with the best practices for the environment and social responsability.

Produce fruits with quality and flavor, thus ensuring the satisfaction of our partners and customers.
To be the largest supplier of quality fruits, in the most diverse forms, meeting the needs of customers and partners, expanding our market to other regions and countries.
Always maintain the quality of our products, valuing the taste of the fruits we produce, the ethics and honesty of our company with partners, customers and employees.